
I am a website designer and a good one. So when I would create a website for a client they had to provide the content for articles, etc. Now I can increase my fees by adding on content options...they only need to provide me with bullet list ideas of what they want their content to include and I'll create it with AI Content Cloud. I have my hands on a great product and I give you 5 stars! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Tony Stark
Tony Stark
Web Designer

I wanted to start blogging again and start my website back up, and AI Content Cloud helped me do this. I had started with other AI apps, but I had difficulty justifying a monthly expense without any revenue coming in to offset that. Enter AI Content Cloud, watched the demo of the owner writing a 1000 word blog post, and I was sold.So far, I have used it to write two blog articles over 1,000 words without any issues. These have been some pretty in-depth topics dealing with mental illness and trauma.

Steve Roger
Steve Roger
Content Writer

As a technical SEO, you would think that an Ai copywriting tool would not be part of my normal toolset. Well, it is now thanks to AI Content Cloud. This app is so handy for so many reasons, it's simple to use and the output is quality. This one is a clear winner and the roadmap only makes things look better as the dev team progresses. One last note, I used the brand name generator and on the first try, it came back with a name I ended up registering on GoDaddy for a future business.



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